Furat Yosip

Sales Executive

About Furat

Originally from Sydney, Furat moved to Melbourne to learn more about this great city real estate industry and he felt in love with it.
With his previous experience in hospitality and landscaping design. This knowledge, coupled with his graduate degree in Real estate , has provided him with valuable skills that he uses daily in real estate negotiations, educating homebuyers and sellers, and effectively marketing the team’s listings. Furat has been working in Real estate since 2015 and always trying to update and developing his skills as a real estate sales agent.
Out side real estate furat served CFA for few years and like gardening and he loves soccer and plays in a few local community soccer teams.
He also like write songs and he studied ancient Assyrian history. With his rich in cultural Assyrian background, Furat make his foot print in public speaking and poating in three different languages Assyrian, arabic and English in Melbourne, also he like pyrography ( wood burning art ) and he is member for different art and community and charity associations in Victoria.

“I always believe I’m dealing with home not a house or just a property and when I do that I consider all the memories and the emotions that involved the home journey “

- Furat Yosip
Mobile: 0421273296
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